2. With your groupmates, brainstorm all the important aspects of an Expert Groups Google presentation. Post all ideas as separate padlet posts:
- 1A: http://padlet.com/schiefferenglis/tapgyy6jzg9x
- 2A: http://padlet.com/schiefferenglis/iccjwxb2oj2n
- 3A: http://padlet.com/schiefferenglis/yi4oz9gfpgi
3. Create Google slides presentation for your Expert Group topic. Each group member should be in charge of 3-4 slides.
- One group member create the presentation using the Google Slides app and share it with schiefferenglish@gmail.com and all group members. Title: Expert Groups Presentation, Class name, Group number
- Create 10-15 blank slides and label them with the group member's name and topic in the "notes" section.
- Work collaboratively on presentations.
4. Read Night in class through page 10
-Continue working on Google slides presentation at home
-Core project exploratory research for 3 sources (due 10/1)